A well timed email (coincidence? I don't think so)

Jul 29, 2009 20:39

I've been pondering my life, my body, and my home in the past few days... then I got this in my email, from something I signed up for some time ago. I found the online source, and so I post the link to that here.

How to measure your body
No scale or tape required

A few quotes that spoke to me:
"We think that perfection is what others want when they come to our homes for a visit. We think that others want us at our physical best. No. It’s the imperfections, the worn carpets and shabby sofa, the wrinkles and hooked noses and saggy thighs, the evidence of how we have lived in, loved and used our bodies that makes them endearing."

"A good friend signs her email with this quote: "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, covered in scars, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, 'Yahoo! what a ride'." "

While I don't plan on arriving at death skidding in sideways, I've got my scars, and I do want to enjoy the life ride. And my home... is never, ever going to be a museum. I've got kids that will ensure that. I just want it cleaned a bit more, and have a lot less clutter annoying me, especially of stuff I don't use anymore.

housework, personal, article

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