Trip down memory lane

Jul 01, 2009 19:53

Audrey Arena, the artist that I have known by talent & reputation for decades (an old friend was her student for a short time too and I've known her art as long as I've done faire), is putting up old ren-faire photos from local events past in her Facebook account.

She just friended me, so I am taking a wander around... when I came across this photo that has my husband in it (he's in blue on the right).

I am trying to remember who the other guy is... Rob thinks it is Tom? who thought himself a ladies' man, and was trying to learn the bagpipes. But I am not sure.

I am finding all sorts of older photos of our local ren-faires. She has a group from 1984 (a few years before I first joined around '87-88), which includes photos of Ken Wiepert, and his wife Joan (may they both rest in peace), and one of his Excellency Baron Mahmud of Nordwache, when he was but a simple man in armor (I have no idea what title he had at that point) and others of the SCA (I think) doing combat at Hanford that year (not posted yet).

I am collecting the few, and posting a few to my own scrapbook to share with those not on Facebook. But these are Audrey's photos which she is sharing with us.

What a trip through memory lane. Sometime I have to digitize my old collection of photos... and organize them, too.

renfaire, photo, sca

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