Scanning images

Jul 01, 2009 23:18

I've spent this afternoon and evening scanning 14 different images on my scanner. Man that's slow. But they were at 300 dpi, often at 1.5x magnification, and it was Firewire, which is not as fast as the old SCSI carded scanner I once had. The images are mostly of women wearing English gables, from as early as Elizabeth of York, to Catherine Parr (although looking at the image, she's wearing clothes from the 1510-20s, so I think it is someone else). I even have two images that might be showing a pillbox hat from the side view, but they are not that clear to know for sure... but better than most front facing images I've seen.

My right arm is sore from the mousing I've been doing, too. So, now that those images are scanned I am heading off for a little reading before going to bed. Tomorrow the images will be adjusted.


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