Web stuff

Apr 30, 2009 21:55

I decided to just stick to doing stuff on my computer for tonight, and have been going over 1580s images from wikimedia to start with. This time around, I am going to link to the wikimedia images, and any images I scan will be added there. I just want to see a timeline of fashion changes, so I don't see a point in keeping the images on my hard drive. While they do have fashions rounded up by decade, they include men, women, children, and a variety of nationalities in that time period.

Sometime I will upload those link pages, once I figure out how to get back into my own site.

Sadly, my computer is heating up, so Dreamweaver is acting up and locking up, so I had to quit doing that. Guess I will just watch tv (last week's CSI), and maybe do some book reading.

web design, research

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