Health report & more.

May 05, 2009 10:40

Ahhhh... I am finally figuring out how to get off this couch and get moving. Have my daughter demand every day to take a walk NOW!! We started yesterday, and we did it again today, and moved at least 20 minutes each time. It is a good start.

So, I am taking a small breather, had my glass of water, and am pondering what to do today. I already saw the RN early this morning at 7:45 am (omg, I am so not used to getting up at 6:45am for this). Nurse said I was doing well, although my triglycerides are a little high since I got out of the habit of taking my meds the past month or so. (I got out of the habit when I had my teeth problems, since I had to take a baby aspirin with them, and could get called into the dental office at an hours notice for the finishing root canal. I didn't want to have bleeding problems.) I also had an elevated blood pressure of 134/110 or something like that, which is unusual for me as I normally have near-textbook blood pressure near 110/78 or similar, so we think it was a fluke. But on the sad side, I have gained weight again, nearing 200, so back to watching what I eat, no more sugary sweets from the cookie place (need to make my own low-sugar oatmeal cookies again), and this moving every morning with Relle will hopefully head me back down again.

I really want to lose the extra pounds, so I need to get back into my good habits again. I also want to get back to my old goals, of getting to 150 pounds, which is a good weight for me to be at. I am going to take this slow to begin with, so basic plans are to limit sugary sweets, eat more veges and fruits, and move every day. Amusingly, a song on taking baby steps is playing on Yo Gabba Gabba. Now a song on not biting your friends.

As to what to do today, I've figured out I want to embroider a blackwork partlet (a project I've had on my list for two years now). So I need to get the linen prepped properly, meaning finally buying the right pegs to hold the slate frame, and pulling out my stand to set it up. Then I need to mark the linen for the right shape, and reattach it to the frame. I also need to do laundry, and some basic cleaning in the kitchen. Well, I better get off this computer so I can get to the store.

embroidery, health, personal, todo

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