Pentathlon 2011 or bust!

Apr 29, 2009 20:41

Like various others, Pentathlon in 2011 is now on my mind, since I will commit to making it that year, as I have fulfilled my committment for Visalia Faire this year, and don't have a reason to commit to it in two years should they again conflict in dates.

So, at this point, I am just musing ideas I want to pursue in the next two years for that competition. Amusingly, the list looks a lot like my first list a year and half or so ago. {from this year's categories}

Visual Arts
▪ 1.1.0 -- Calligraphy - This one as I have a poem in mind that a friend wrote for/about me.
▪ 1.2.0 -- Illumination - Definitely do this one, tho' not sure what style to attempt. The early style, Celtic but that's not the right term is what I had been intrigued by, but I will have to research colors of the period. Might do a set of family initials that might be intriguing.
▪ 1.4.0 -- Jewelry - This is easy enough, considering the various jeweled pieces I have to make for my garb anyway.

Culinary Arts
▪ 2.12.0 -- Breads
▪ 2.13.0 -- Sweets
▪ 2.14.0 -- Preserves
▪ 2.19.0 -- Herb Dish -- (Recipe must use fresh herbs.)
▪ 2.20.0 -- Subtleties
I don't know what of the above... but the herb dish is tempting, since I am growing a number of herbs. And fruits would make nice preserves. Need to research period recipes.

Fiber Arts
▪ 4.32.0 -- Costume -- (Men and Women)
▪ 4.32.1 -- Costume Review -- (Garments on a live model. Emphasis on tailoring, fit, decoration, appearance, and "total picture." A specific time will be scheduled for each entrant.)
▪ 4.32.2 -- Costume Construction -- (Garments are judged on construction techniques, as well as period effect. Machine sewing and modern techniques are acceptable.)
▪ 4.32.3 -- Period Construction -- (Handmade item. No machine stitching. May also be handspun and/or hand loomed.)
▪ 4.32.4 -- Hats
▪ 4.32.5 -- Accessories -- (Purses, belts, fans, gloves, etc.)
Ok, this one is easy, yet hard for me to decide what exactly. But most likely I will submit a few under this general category. Might even do a Costume Review... although that might scare me for my first Pentathlon.

▪ 4.35.0 -- Needlework
▪ 4.35.1 -- Counted Thread Work (Blackwork, Assisi, etc.) That blackwork partlet is one that is almost ready for me to start. Must get fitting pegs to get going.
▪ 4.35.3 -- Metal Thread Work Pondering the book cover using this technique.
▪ 4.36.0 -- Lacemaking -- (No lace on modern items please. Includes bobbin lace, needle lace, drawn or cut linen work, and other lace forms.) This one I could do with bobbin lace, or fingerloop braids.

Functional Arts
5.37.0 -- Leather -- (Anything made from leather, functional or decorative.)
The leather gloves again could be finished or a new set done with decorative gauntlets.
▪ 5.45.0 -- Herbcraft
▪ 5.45.1 -- Culinary (Teas, seasonings, herb candies, or preserves.)
▪ 5.45.2 -- Comfort or Cosmetic (Perfume, soaps, lotions, etc.)
▪ 5.45.3 -- Ornamental (Dye stuffs, potpourri, pomander, etc.)
Either a soap or a potpourri, since I am growing my own herbs for both.

Compositional Arts
▪ 6.48.0 -- Research Paper (All entries must have a theme/style/flavor of pre-1650 culture. Papers must be typed or computer printed and must be double-spaced. Maximum length 15 pages, excluding footnotes, endnotes, and/or bibliography.)
▪ 6.49.0 -- How-to Paper (Subject matter must cover the research and making of an item applicable to the time period covered by the SCA. Paper must be typed or computer printed and must be double-spaced. Maximum length 15 pages, excluding footnotes, endnotes, and/or bibliography. For information on style, send a SASE to the Pentathlon Autocrat.)
I could easily do either one. But pretty much decided a research paper on French hoods, that will be done in a few months anyway.

Need to make a plan, and do what needs to be made up for the projects.

ideas, a&s, sca

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