Costume College packet

Apr 08, 2009 19:12

arrived in the mail today.

And poot! My class is up against the very one and singular class I have been wanting to take for three years now, on sleeve drafting (my big weak point)! poot! Not happy.

But this means that I will be putting in a request for Bess' lace class instead as my #1 choice, and hoping I get in, although it sounds to be a popular class, and I expect to be low on the totem pole of numbers.

Also not happy that some of my choices are conflicting all across the schedule! If only I could clone myself a few times. Ah well... choices, choices. At least we are going Fabric Shopping on Monday! This time, I am going with no required fabric choices, other than it must be of good quality and it must call to me.

costume college

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