Happy birthday gift from the Post Office

Apr 07, 2009 19:52

Remember that fabric package that I thought was stolen from the postal box? Well... seems the thief was the US Postal System, sorta. Seems they did not put the box of fabric in the correct location, but they gave me the key for that broken postal box. Today I got a note saying that the oversized package was in the *other* postal box and that my key would work there (normally, it would not). So, I went home, grabbed the key, went back to the postal box and there in the other oversized locked container was my missing fabric package!!

I am now happily united with my silk and linen fabrics, and am grinning ear to ear. Whew! And in time for a happy ending to a nice birthday day. It goes quite well with the dinner at Irene's, and a dessert of a banana split, shared with the family. It was the first time my kids have had a banana split, and they enjoyed themselves. It's been many years since I've had one myself... I think the last time I had one, I was still larping.

Ahhhh... now to do some more fabric petting, and get into my hand sewing, before I fall into a sugar coma.

fabric, birthday

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