Almost, but not quite

Mar 13, 2009 17:06

Looking at online stores for larger beauties, I've found a store that I almost like. I say almost, because in my world nothing is ever perfect.

The store is Zaftique. They have a lot of nice clothes for the curvy woman. That's wonderful! They have enough styles that I am finding several in every category that appeals to me, so I am learning what it is that I like and want to wear. I am collecting those images for inspiration. They have lots of fitted tops to show off curves, instead of hiding them behind sack styles (and they have those, too). I also like that each garment is listed with one of the four basic body types, which I see in some cases is actually used right.

The problem? Polyester. Just about every outfit I like (except for jeans) is made from 100% polyester. I've found one in a cotton blend (no idea what the other fiber is... wanna bet it is poly?), and another poly jacket, trimmed in 100% silk velvet!! (yeah, right... let's pair an outrageously expensive silk velvet if you can find it, with simple polyester? I bet it really is the normal 18/82 silk/rayon blend found most everywhere).

Now, if I didn't live where I do, and enjoy *cough* the really hot weather we do, I might be tempted with a few of the poly outfits. But sadly, I do live where I do, so polyester; I just gotta say so sorry, good bye; I'm just not going to do it. Not unless it was a stunning winter coat, cuz then I could stay nice and warm, and be able to wash the coat when the kids end up doing stuff to it - like I do with my current winter coat that I rarely wear because it is too warm sometimes.

Well... at least I am getting ideas. I guess if I want real fiber clothing other than cotton, I may have to make them myself.

Oh, and for future self reference; a few other online stores:
I've yet to wander through this one, but they look interesting at a quick glance. Hopefully I will find a store that has nice natural fibers without all the poly, with styles I really like.

Other note: It is good to see that ankle length skirts are not just for evening wear anymore. I was wondering why it seemed I was only seeing calf length for day wear. I like long skirts, if I can move in them. I do wonder why so few are out there, and why it seems they are barely A-line in width. Hmmm...

Eeep! You would think with a name like that, that they would actually have garments that are more fitted than a drawstring under the bust rectangle! I mean is that all the "fitting" in a garment they want to provide? Rectangles, and more rectangles, and not a fitted dart or gathered bustline in the lot! Ok, I am exaggerating a little, but then I see this number, in 2-way stretch, and realize that this store is pretty much NOT the store for me. YMMV.

fashion, "transform into butterfly"

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