French? Hoods

Jan 30, 2009 17:29

Something came up on the Tribe site for Elizabethan costuming, and I've gone and shot off my mouth, er fingers? Anyway, went into a long discourse over French hoods, with regards to someone else's posted research, which I politely disagree in some aspects with, but agree with other parts of.

Not how to make them, but which ones are French hoods, what may or may not be Fhs, and even offered the daring suggestion that maybe we should do away with the term "French hood", and just call them hoods. Why? Because I think we, including myself in my gallery of "French" hood images, have lumped in more than one type of hood, and called it "French". It's been a thought brewing in my head for some time now.

I put up that gallery, because I wanted to know what a French hood actually consistet of. clothsprogs was the reason I did it, as he questioned what I was doing when I made my second French hood, and did it really do what I thought it did then. Well, I didn't know really... so the collection was born, and continues to grow, as I find and have time to scan in books for images of what might be a French hood. I know it isn't complete, but I do like what is in there.

So, either I should change the name to HOODS, and get lots of people confused, but open it up to other forms of hoods, or maybe I should start catagorizing the hoods I have, and split them into their various types, tho what to call some of them I don't know. I know some are probably "Anne of Brittany" style (which I consider a proto-French hood), and there's the English varient shown in the Moore family images. I've avoided some images from the late 16th century, since no black hood is obvious in the image, but they might be a "French" hood, or they might be just caps? For me, a hood has to have a hood (that black curtain) or it isn't a hood, know what I mean?

So, anyone here have thoughts or suggestions for this?

And in related news, I think I will offer a class on what is a hood during the 16th century, like its evolution from the early draped hoods, to the French hood, English hood, and beyond. Or maybe I should just do my research on this subject, and offer it as a class some other time. Yeah, I think that's a better choice.


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