(no subject)

Jan 29, 2009 23:59

Still working oh, so, slowly on hand sewing the binding. At least now I am on the inside portion. I think one to two more nights should finish this... before I start on the eyelets.

The binding is only around the outer edge, and it appears to give some stability to those edges that were sewn to each other, if that makes sense. It also makes those edges visually blend into one continuous edge, instead of clearly showing up as individual pieces.

I may, to give my hand a break, work on the French farthingale next before doing eyelets. I have to decide if I want to use the canvas I have, the linen twill, or get more cotton drill (I am down to small pieces). I am leaning to the linen twill, but if so, I will have to wash it. I also need to figure out which silk to use for the top fabric.

But now, it is off to bed.

effigy bodies, 1590s, dressdiary, handsewing

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