Reed boning done!

Jan 17, 2009 17:46

I think my toe nail clippers will have to be tossed, as it was getting harder and harder to cut the reeds with them as I neared completion.

But now ALL of the reed bones are clipped to shape and inserted into the channels. Whew!

My hands are also very sore right now, especially the palm of my right hand as I had to press hard to get those last clips in. I even have an indent in the hand, great.

So, now to do more sewing as I finish off parts of it, so I can sew the three parts together, then do an actual full fitting. I've even bought a couple of yards of lacing tape to use as a temporary lacing strip for the fitting. I hope it will work.

No photos this time.

effigy bodies, 1590s, dressdiary

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