Not much today.

Jan 10, 2009 01:03

No sewing today or tonight. The kids did not want to nap, wanting a tickle session this afternoon instead (which I was happy to oblige them with), and so no time to do sewing before friends came over this evening. I made curried rice for dinner, which is one of my fav dishes.

Even with the friends here, being the geeks we are, most of us are on our computers while chatting or watching Stargate: Atlantis (catching up on TiVo'd episodes). I've been working on a friend's web site to pass my time. I've been switching pages over, figuring out how the new navigation bar is to work (working out a kink or two because of browsers), finding a few hidden pages that I have to figure out where to place them in the organization of things, and realizing I need to make up info for two more pages. Oh, and I need to figure out what to do for the home page itself to make it inviting. But now I am tired, and heading off to bed.

Debating about 12th Night tomorrow... it is also game night, and our characters are about to head into the middle of a major combat. Hopefully, my character won't die... again.

I just hope I can actually rest tonight. I am going to try some meditation before lying down, and seeing if that will help calm my mind for actual sleep. I've had my mind not want to shut up for several days now, and it is making my sleep schedule quite wonky.

gaming, renfaire, web design

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