The weekend

Jan 11, 2009 21:02

Catching up on my LJ friends list, emails, and other bits of news.

Yesterday was game night, so no 12th Night for me. Instead I stayed home, had a nice meal made by Cindy, and enjoyed good friends company while we kicked more drow butt, and ate chocolate brownies and other treats. Stayed up very late to play, getting done at 3am.

Early morning today with the kids, then napped a bit at 11 so I wouldn't be too trashed. Got up and ready in time to make it to hsifeng's place to do lots of costume talk (which I enjoyed).

I did a little pattern drafting of her cap/coif, whatever the German name of it was (steuchlein). I look forward to seeing the pattern made into a real cap, as the drawing was made from the updated museum's measurements given, following the ratio of size in the little image she has of it. The paper pattern looked like it would actually fit her rather nicely, not made for a child or something small.

She worked on the hair braid thing that we chatted a lot about. Sorta false braids for the German ladies hair, I would say. I will let her describe her ideas better, but we bantered various ideas back and forth, and she's on her way to testing those ideas to see what works, and what doesn't.

We also went through the two newest books I got from England, which gave her ideas on coifs and such, so now she wants to get Arnold's PoF4 for herself.

Then home again in time for dinner, which I overate. But it was tamales, and I love tamales, and rarely get to eat them. I just have to remember to eat one, not two of these larger tamales Rob bought us.

And now I am done here, and ready to go into my sewing room to do more of those sewing channels. So many lines, so little time? But I will admit I am still tired from last night, so I may head off early tonight, when my eyes start crossing.

gaming, pattern drafting, personal, costume, research

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