My CoCo class ideas

Jan 09, 2009 00:02

In different thoughts... I am trying to figure out what to offer as classes for CoCo this year.

Two ideas I had from last year are:

What The Tudors Really Wore. Basically, giving a visual overview of the Henrician era of garments for both men and women. I figured I would start it with an image of Showtime's The Tudors with a big red circle & diagonal slash, and then go into what the various styles actually were by decade.

Hoods of the Henrician Era. Basically, a demo showing the different hood styles, from a basic early hood, to the Anne of Brittany, the French hood (maybe multiple styles), and the English hood, with appropriate images from the period. I am wondering if this could be made into an actual hands on workshop, although not doing the French hood, which sarahbellem already has done very well.

Yeah, I am rather focused in my field, which is why I've been taking other eras of classes, from sci-fi to Victorian. I just need to do more of that sort of costuming in my life. I also do Elizabethan, but I think with myladyswardrobe and sarahbellem 's planned CoCo offerings, I think we are very well covered for Elizabethans.

Another idea I had was the class margorose, another lady, and I did at the Ren Symposium a couple of years ago, which was a class on the various favorite tools we use in sewing. But I see from last year's list of classes, that a Basic Sewing Supplies class was done, so I don't know if that would be about the same. However, I was thinking about the one class on sewing tools that I had been in a few years ago, which was headed by a woman who admitted she didn't use a sewing machine in her costumes -- it was basically a Clotilde ad class for various Clotilde sewing products. There are various tools I use that I think would help people who want to get beyond the beginning items. More like our favorite sewing tools. Hey margorose , were you planning on going to CoCo this year? Maybe we could offer to do this together?

Actually, I am not sure what other skills or knowledge in costuming I have to offer to teach that goes beyond the small niche I am in. And I don't know what sort of background I am supposed to write up for a teacher bio.

I've been haunted by the question one lady in a CoCo class asked me (it was Sarah's French hood class) as to what made me an authority in Tudor costuming, or something similar. The answer I gave her is that I am not, I was just asked to do things, and I've gone and done some research in a specific field by request. I've also shared various images on my web site, but I didn't mention that. The question haunts me still.

The only thing I can really claim is that I've been sewing since I was a kid, and been doing faire and researching related costuming for over 20 years now. But my actual good sewing and good research has only been in the past few years, and I know I am far from being an expert. I happen to be very curious, am open to asking questions, take chances, asking Why, like looking at period images, like reading the history, and trying to figure out how it was done way back then. But I know I am not highly trained, I have no art, theatre, fashion, history, or home ec degree, just a Business BS. I just do what I love to do, and try to do it as well as I know how to do, and I am always looking to improve what I know. So, how do I write all that up and make it sound... fabulous?

costume college, personal

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