More fabric cataloging.

Dec 05, 2008 00:25

So, instead of being creative, or doing more painting, or something fun, I just bored myself to sleepiness by putting more of my fabric onto my storage note cards/organization sheets/whatever that was called.

Still not fully done I've realized. I have large scraps, that are more than a yard, from my Tudor projects that I still need to catalog. I also need to figure out where to put them, as my closet is full. Well, there is a spot way up top I might be able to put one more box, but I can't reach it for the roll of warm window batting in the way. The curtains must get done soon, just so I can get those rolls out of the closet and used up!

I think I need to actually purge more of my fabric. I just don't want to give any of them up. So many ideas, so little time. Need to make stuff, so I can actually have good stuff in my clothes closet instead of the oversized shirts that I don't wear anymore.

I also have a roll of fabric I deliberately did not put on the card. It is my April project that will be done soon, and once done, then I will catalog the remnant, if any. I don't want to undo the roll of fabric just to roll it up again.

Oh, and I did clear through, pick up and somewhat organize my sewing room the past few days. Even put away the patterns I was using, and cleared off the cutting table. Still need to clean up the entryway of the stuff that needs to go elsewhere.

Having done the fabric thing, some of the room looks crappy again, so I will put that away before heading out. But my computer table is clear enough for me to actually sit here and enjoy my whole computer dual-screen experience, just to listen to music and read the 'Net. Gads, how sad. I had wanted to watch Elizabeth, TGA from my TiVo download, but realized I can't watch a new movie I've never seen, and organize fabric. Well... someday.

Ok, tired now, going to bed now. Well, soon... first put a few things away, and finish my tea.

fabric, housework, organization

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