It was Kass' idea. The large rectangle of fabric is folded in half. Use one side to practice running stitch, and the other side to practice back stitch, leaving an opening in the middle. Turn and stuff the little pillow/pin cushion. The opening is closed up with a whip or hem stitch, whichever they want to use. Then they have a usable pin cushion for their needles, and something they can take home. It really went nicely for them, and we found that for the children, any problem stitches that come out, can still be fixed using a whip or hem stitch.
She has the "handsewing basics" info on her web site.
I realized that the SCA, for me, is a place where I belong. "Those are my people, over there - the ones dressed like they're from the Middle Ages."
From other comments you've made, I'm guessing that the RenFaire community was, at one time, a place where you belonged. And I'm not saying it as "I'm so horrid they're the only fit company," I'm saying that as "these people I fit in with, more or less."
And that, despite all their foot-dragging around the arts, is why I think I'll stick with the SCA. Even re-up my membership, because they're a group of people where I belong.
And RenFaire, for all that it may have been once, is no longer a place where I can fit.
Comments 4
She has the "handsewing basics" info on her web site.
From other comments you've made, I'm guessing that the RenFaire community was, at one time, a place where you belonged. And I'm not saying it as "I'm so horrid they're the only fit company," I'm saying that as "these people I fit in with, more or less."
And that, despite all their foot-dragging around the arts, is why I think I'll stick with the SCA. Even re-up my membership, because they're a group of people where I belong.
And RenFaire, for all that it may have been once, is no longer a place where I can fit.
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