More gardening.

Apr 22, 2008 14:13

So, my sewing and my housework have both suffered, but my back yard plants are for the most part doing well!

All but one (the cat mint) is now planted. I await the water line to keep it alive before I put it in the back corner for the cat to enjoy.

One basil died in infancy (not enough sun), so I bought another and stuck that in a nice sized blue glazed pot to grow in full sun. The oregano has been moved again to in front of the mini-rose bush, to get more sun (I hope), and the lemon balm is in the former oregano's semi-shady spot. The sage and thyme are enjoying their sunny spots and are starting to grow.

Yesterday I added two more bags of soil to the second raised bed (still not enough), and replanted the Japanese cucumbers on one short side with a dill in the middle of the two. The honeydew was moved to give it a bit more room, and a second chamomille (the kind for tea) was planted near the honeydew. I forgot to get more bags of soil today, but the wide area in the middle will be for my onions and carrots, and that should keep the cucumbers and honeydews away from each other. I hope to plant the onions and carrots tomorrow, but will not hold my breath on it, since I also have to pack for CC26.

I still have plants in the front yard to plant, but those can wait until I get back. Well, I should plant one of them tonight really... it is starting to get rootbound I think. But I am not sure where to put it (an agapanthus) as I bought a lamb's ear and plan to place it where I was going to put the ag. The ground cover can definitely wait, as I need to clear the weeds and dead plants in the areas I will be putting that. But it is getting nicely watered by its own, so I can ignore it for now.


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