On bathing suits, and older fashions...

Apr 22, 2008 14:13

And before I go do more yard work...

I actually went to the mall today... and bought a bathing suit!

Most bathing suits today are bright and cheery and in prints I can't stand (I prefer solids and geometric designs). They just aren't me. But I managed, after getting price sticker shock, to find a few in blue or black that I was willing to try. Two were outright wrong, and one was really cute but the most expensive one there. It was something I would have worn when I was a teen (but with a skirt) and practically lived at the local pool; so it really was too "young" for me.

But I found one nice floral printed bathing suit, in black, white, and shades of gray. It is not only tasteful, but hid my large thighs decently, and I felt a little... elegant, if that's the right word, wearing it. At least it didn't cut off in the middle of my waistline, which screamed "look at my wide middle" as so many of them did. And it was on sale, so more in the range of price I was willing to pay.

I bought it, because we are talking about spending a lot of time at the water park this summer, and teaching the kids how to swim (at least Cam). I figured I would get it now since there is a pool at the hotel, and I would like to enjoy some swimming time by myself, sans kids. Might even get a decent workout if I don't overdo it. And I do not have a bathing suit at all, since my last one was wayyyy too big, and was given to Goodwill.

And the nice thing, it was 10 size points smaller than the last one I bought; which was when I was pregnant with Cam and weighed my heighest weight. In other words, I went from a 26 to a 16, and might have squeezed into a 14, but I didn't want to push it. Nylon/Lycra isn't kind when it is squeezing a body too much. And no one wants to see that, least of all me.

I do have to say that I am getting too old to shop at malls anymore, at least the one I was at. So many clothes were just too... young. Actually, I noticed that many styles for young women in the store windows were boho styles, or other styles from the 70s! If I could fit my old clothes (and still had them) I would be in fashion again. Except I noticed that a number of tops were sheer, with nothing underneath to cover anything other than one's bra (if any). That's a scary thought, really. So, what do women in their 40s wear without looking like teensomething wannabees? (iow, without looking like young sluts from the disco 70s.)

fashion, personal

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