Various and sundry

Mar 25, 2008 21:19

Tonight I am scanning in some images. Mostly of my client and his Tudor outfit, which I will post later when I've got the page worked out. Otherwise, various different images from the Henrician period, one of which is taking a long time right now, since it is scanning a very large image. I need to rescan one of them already, as the descreening didn't go right.

I am still trying to calm down from today. Not sure what I will do tomorrow, as I am still on the hunt for some more veggies, but I will postpone that a few more days, and instead work on conditioning the soil, and maybe get back to cleaning up my pantry, which is what I did yesterday. We had some cans and dry packages that were expired several years ago (ugh!).

I've otherwise been occupying myself online looking up archery equipment. I should be able to get a decent starting bow at around $100-150, and a set of arrows for about similar or less, depending on wood. But I don't know what I really want, so I've been reading sites to educate myself about wood types, and even bow types, as I didn't know there was such a thing as a flat bow (but now I know). And while I've found some yew bowmakers, the price for them is right out of my desires (for that price, I would have had my desired spinning wheel already).

Man, I miss my old SCSI speed scanner. While I am getting some really nice scans, it seems to take forever on Firewire. I think this will be my last scan, so I can do some photoshop work, and maybe post a few things tonight (or get close.) I have one image that I believe is on a saint, so probably is fantasy. But I like it, and want to pest some lists about how plausible it might have been, or at least something similar.

computer, personal, sca

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