The weekend report

Mar 23, 2008 18:35

I slept in as best I could get this morning. Normally Rob does that on Sundays, and I do Saturdays, but we switched, since I knew I wanted to do archery today, and he has been loosing out on his late sleep ins because of my Sunday activities with the local SCA.

After a good late breakfast that Rob cooked up for me, I went out to Madera to the archery practice. I got lost, as they renamed the street I was looking for (from Rd 28 to Tozer). Thankfully I had directions, phone number, and cell phone, so I was able to get help getting to where I needed to be.

Archery practice was a lot of fun. I had never used a long bow before, but it was only a 30# pull for the loaner, and that was easy enough for me to work with. My aim sucks, but as I shot, it improved some. I even managed to get 15 points in one round (6 arrows), with 5 out of 6 actually hitting the target. The other flew off behind the hay bales. I learned their rules for safety, and got to ask lots and lots of questions re: archery in the local area. Most events doing this in the Kingdom will be in the LA area, but we do have archery at Baronial Anniversary and at GWW, so that will be worth practicing monthly for, and getting authorized to shoot.

I will need to buy my own finger guards, as my fingers are rather sore from the nocking/pull. Thankfully, no fletching in the finger, or string burn on the arm, as my bow hand had bracers and a wrist guard thingy that I was loaned. Mike had taken off, so it was only Robin/Mareona to teach me. Mike had the finger guards in his vehicle.

I stayed for an hour and a half, and enjoyed the destressing nature of archery. The long bow has a different pull to it, but I soon realized that I had to look at what I was aiming at before I pulled, for best effect. If I held the pull too long, my aim wobbled a lot more. So, now I want my own equipment, but I will wait a bit first, so I can figure out what weight bow would be best for me to invest in, and what length arrows. But finger guard... that's a must. I wonder if I can sew up my own... hmmm...

As to what we did on Saturday, it was mostly spent being frustrated and driving around a few places, before gaming last night. Around noon I went to get docryder from his place. We then went to Michael's Crafts so I could get the silk flowers, and other stuff. I found some black paper that kids use for gel pens, but it seemed a bit too thin for good calligraphy work. I also found a Very Fine calligraphy marker to use for practice, a drawing book for my gardening notes, and some other misc. stuff.

We then went to Taco Bell for lunch, and it was very annoying. I had to wait while the newby cashier tried to take Craig's order, then had her supervisor show her how to do it right, then I ordered. Said newby didn't know that ice tea had to come from a different location, then there was no lemons cut, so she wandered off to cut some. Her super, who had been on break told her to go back to the register, so she did without a word to me standing there waiting. Then no one came out with any lemons. My Chicken Burrito Supreme Fresco style was mostly beans. I don't eat beans, so I only ate about half of it (the part that had chicken.) I left there in a grumpy mood.

Costco gas, then Costco for meds for Rob, then the Titan Games store where I picked up a couple of female minis to paint up (I want to paint them, and if still inspired, maybe make costumes to match). Then the comic shop, post office to drop off my business stuff, and then home to get my library book (now a week overdue). Then off to the library to drop off said book, and a trip to Hobbytown next door for stuff for Craig. Cam came with us, so he ended up wanting to buy all sorts of Thomas trains, but I had left my purse in the car on purpose. Finally, we went to the grocery store for dinner stuffs (pizza and yummy cookies), and then back home again.

Dinner was yummy. The crust was a Boboli type that I will use again. Game went well, too. We actually fought fomorians for many rounds (not just a couple), and had to work hard to not die. Then my rogue/cleric character started a conversion of 3 drow to her Goddess (who is the daughter of Lolth and Correllon L. in Rob's campaign.) This was a good thing, as that's what was needed to unlock one of her magic items powers (unknown to her, or me).

Yeah, I had some minor annoying issues yesterday, but overall, it was very enjoyable. And after today's archery practice, I am in a much better mood. And now, for some curried rice, which is always better as leftovers.

ETA: I want to thank Rob for his hard work today. He's been shoveling a lot of dirt, so I can have a nice raised bed for our veggies. Now to get some good organic topsoil to work into the regular dirt.

gaming, garden, personal, sca

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