Power outage, and scribal things

Jan 14, 2008 17:23

Our power went out near lunch time, so I went out to find something to eat... only to travel all the way to Riverpark before I could find someplace that had power and a place for us to eat (McDs). At least Maurelle had fun in their play area, as she finally climbed up high and had lots of fun crawling around and playing in the various pods. (I just heard on the news that a poor kitty died in a transformer, which was the cause of the power outage).

I finally dragged her away, and went to Aaron Brothers to find some scribal stuff. They actually had a good sized wooden utility box that I can use for SCA events, and they had the 20/0 liner brush Mistress Aliskye showed as at Sunday's Scribal gathering. I look forward to trying out that brush.

Oh, forgot to mention... on Sunday, Mistress Maeb and Mistress Aliskye actually travelled all the way north to Nordwache to hold a Scribal workshop at the home of our new A&S minister Seanachie. While it was similar to the workshop they gave at Collegium that I had attended, they even gave our older hands quite the worthy bit of info, just by showing them how to use an Ames guide (oh, how happy Lady Teleri seemed to be with that!) I've even accepted my first assignment, which will take a bit before I can get to it. And I started on a new illumination template, which I will probably use on my first assignment, if I can find the book, or a similar image to base the final drawing on.

Hmmm... maybe the library has a copy. Hmmm... nope. I will have to ILL it I guess... yeah, worldcat shows several in the valley. Oh, if only CSUFresno had their new library done so I can have access to the good books again.

illumination, sca

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