colorful stuff on order

Jan 10, 2008 22:49

I have ordered three dyes and a little silk organza fabric from Dharma Trading, with some bottles of chemicals, and it is good. It is also good to have a list of what I want to work on, so I can order what I *NEED*, not just what catches my fancy and ends up as stash for many years.

I have some silk twill that I bought from someone a few years ago, and it will be Stormwatch's coat (dyed Sapphire Blue). But there should be enough there to also make a part of it into the red lining of the French hood (Crimson), and a chunk will be dyed black (Black) for various hoods, as I need enough for both my French hood, and the English gable later this year (if not other hoods). Silk dyes are a good thing, easy to use in hot water, and only needs vinegar. I should be able to dye some of the smaller pieces on the burner (and hopefully not burn them) in my dye pot that has been waiting for many years to be used. The large piece of blue (5-6 yards) will be in the washer.

The silk organza will be used as interlining in my modern blouses. Wow, their prices are pretty cheap for silk organza (which I see elsewhere around $11/yd). They also have in some new fabrics, so I bought swatches on those, and swatches of their silk/rayon velvet to see how that feels. I almost bought some black silk/rayon velvet to use as the hood, but I didn't know if I wanted to wear it on my head or not. I wanted something matte, and my silk twill is matte and drapes nicely, so I will give that a try first. If I don't like the twill, I can get the velvet later.

I also bought some Eucalon Wool Wash to try out, in Lavendar (mmmmmmmm:-)). I've heard it is good and gentle for both wool and silk, and not only has lavendar to help keep moths away, but includes lanolin, which is good for wool fabrics (since they strip it out in the chemical dips to clean wool). Not sure I want that on my silks, tho... might be like a conditioner? It is also supposed to be no-rinse formula. We shall see if it is worth the hype.

Also bought some of the Dharma Professional Textile Detergent, which is their substitute for Synthrapol, which they say was going to be stopped, but the manufacturer decided later to continue it. They also say this is non-toxic, and environmentally friendly. I am willing to give it a try, since they are out of Synthrapol, I need some, and this new stuff is a little cheaper.

So, this will be shipped out tomorrow morning, and should arrive on Monday (since UPS doesn't do weekends for Ground). This is fine, since my weekend is full of stuff to do already.

And I think I've got enough of a dark twill cotton fabric in my stash to use as my mockup. It's a cotton that is heavier than the silk I will be using, but for fitting a mockup it should work, and I can hopefully use it as a light jacket for non-formal, but fun occasions, since it will be an historical jacket design.

Well, off to do a little reading before heading to bed.

dyeing, fabric

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