Pleated Foresleeves

Nov 07, 2007 18:16

Now I remember the reasons I had put the foresleeves on my back burner for so long (over a year)... the scraps I have left (thankfully one is pretty large) that need to be pieced together first. And the need to drape the pleats into the pattern before making up the pattern.

I am using my old standby foresleeves from Hunnisett's book as the base, although it may be too wide. I trimmed off an inch on the length (at the arm), because the latest pair are too long by that amount or so (I have short arms). I've now made the second version of the pleats from muslin, and am ready to tackle the silk piecing. The pleating is not easy to calculate mathematically, so it was by eyeing it, using Mary Guildford's portrait as the model (which isn't easy when her sleeves are actually a bit undone at the bottom).

I've put this on the front burner, as I found I will be playing Catherine Pole Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon. Her father died a traitor/Roman Catholic, as he didn't like the destruction of the Church in England , as did her brother it seems (he disappears after the father's death). She was spared, but is married to a supporter of the new faith. Should be an interesting woman to play. Whatever her station ends up being, the gold bling forepart and foresleeves are a bit too much for this woman, I think, so back to my original plans of the peach/golden silk taffeta that is on my kirtle, with the pleated style of fore sleeves.

I have been taking photos of my progress which I will post later. I think this will take me much of tonight to work on, as the silk taffeta is slippery and doesn't want to hold together that well. But the play of color should be nice along the pleats.

dressdiary, sewing, tudor kirtle

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