two down, a few more to go.

Nov 06, 2007 15:00

Well, I was not so productive last night (Heroes then CSI Miami while I was noodling on the net), but made up for it this afternoon. I have now finished fixing my French hood upper billiment and the hood, so both are secured onto place. I also evened out the beads, but trying to find the exact center of the hood so that the billiments drape evenly on both sides is very hard to do. One side is still a little higher than the other, but at least they are visually symetrical in how the beads are arranged. And the annoying chin strap is now gone. I am wearing it right now, and it will indeed need some pins into my hair to make sure it stays in place.

So, my updated list is:
  • add drill interling, with pad stitching in the collar area, to my wool and silk partlet.
  • prepare the embroidery partlet project onto a slate frame
  • adjust my kirtle and gown straps to fit better
  • shorten my placard to fit the gown better
  • fix the upper billiments of my French hood and remove the chin strap
  • make the silk taffeta fore sleeves
  • restring my pearls

Tonight I will adjust the kirtle and gown straps, and if I have time, also shorten my placard to fit better. Tomorrow will either be my finishing that up, or getting my embroidery project set up (more on this in the next post).

tudor garment, sewing, todo

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