Alternate plans

Aug 29, 2007 10:53

I tried last night to do lucet cord as a flat braid, and I am not getting it. I would probably get it if I didn't feel under a time crunch, and could just enjoy what I am doing, and let it go with the flow.

I then tried finger weaving... and tension is still the issue. I think it may be the threads I am using which are too fine.

I think the threads I want to use are best for bobbin lace, which I have the stuff to do, but not enough threads to make a decent braid.

I need two pieces about 2 yards long each, to just go over the front panel edges of the comfort pattern kirtle. As I am under a time crunch because I want to wear this to Collegium, I will go with a simple black rattail or twisted cord that I have in my stash. It won't be as sparkly as the thin gold and black cord I was using, but it is simple, will cover the seam, and then I can finish this outfit with binding and hand sewn eyelets, which I have a LOT of them to do up.

I think I will practice the basic lucet cord to use as points for the sleeves and the kirtle back opening. I have other cord I will use until those lucet cords are ready.

And then I will learn to use my new (to me) inkle loom I received from casketgirl, and will find something to use that on... like maybe the "generic medieval" gown pattern from Burda I have to make up... someday.

And to get my mind off my frustration, I will be working on my new French hood this afternoon, a la sarahbellem, so I have something to show my guild mates next Saturday at the workshop for them. I even found pretty golden beads I can use for the upper billiments, along with the plethora of pearls I still have.

dressdiary, kirtle, elizabethan

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