My thoughts on A&S 50 Challenge

Jul 21, 2007 13:33

Well, I sent off that email asking about 2015 vs 2016. We shall see what that lady says.

For me, my mind last night would NOT shut down for a couple of hours at least. So, my mind churned over and over various parts of the challenge, what would I want to do, what could I do, ... It didn't help that I've been reading a book on Henry VIII and it was listing all the things nobles and court owned.

At first, I thought it would be cool to make 50 different things for my persona to have or learn. But as my mind travelled round and round on this, making up a list of little things and big things, I realized the biggest problem with this idea. Some of the things I want for my persona I don't want to make myself, as it was something beyong my caring to make, or a place to make them. And then it would be that I don't have one set persona at this time, and I don't care to make one persona. I actually want to explore different time periods and even locations, so I don't want to limit the 50 things to the one persona, even as I do want to make candles, and things for my pavillion, etc.

So, I could do the Breadth challenge... which in some ways would be fun... but how to define "new and different", there's a big challenge there. I am always learning something new and different even in the things I know how to do, as I try to stretch myself a bit and learn a bit, but could I do 50 different and new things? Hmmm...

So, then my mind settled... on doing the Depth Challenge. It is 50 of any one type of thing, as broadly defined as I want it to be. So, if I do 50 things with needle and thread, that covers most of the areas I already want to focus on, from garb, to accessories, to millinery, to embroidery, to making soft goods for my pavillion, to period hand repairs; anything I can do with a needle and thread.

And I should still have time to add in those areas of learning that I want to enjoy, without feeling pushed or rushed. That is a good thing.

Oh, wait... rereading the Challenge... "and can choose to complete as many Challenges of either type as they please!" Hey, there we are! I can have my cake and eat it, too! There are new things I do want to learn, or make, so why not do some of those as part of the challenge anyway. Oh, yeah.

And for those who don't read mc_cadieux's LJ, she wrote to the creator of the challenge, and there is a possibility of actually having a large gathering in whichever year the end of the challenge will be. You can read about that here. Wouldn't that be cool? I wanna go.

Well, off to get things done around here, and maybe to sit down and come up with a list of things to do... or maybe just get some more hand sewing done.

a&s50, sca

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