Kinda busy

Jul 16, 2007 17:23

I've been working on putting some things onto eBay. Fabric from my stash that I no longer want for various reasons, and books that I also no longer want. Some are duplicates from the merging of the Small library, and some just are no longer of interest. I will be posting them later this evening.

I have just started on this endeavor, which I plan on doing every Sunday, taking photos in the sunlight (oye, that was hot yesterday), then getting them uploaded using the Mac software GarageSale ... oye, what a piece of unstable shit!! Yeah, it crashed my ENTIRE COMPUTER yesterday. Locked the whole thing up, where not even a Forced Quit could shut it down. Instead, the rest of my system refused to respond, so I had to cut the power. Not happy about that, and I let the software company know it. But it is sadly the only software I know of to do eBay on, unless I download eBay's version and run that on my PC side, which I might end up doing. I will see how this sets up the auctions with its own scheduler first.

I've also been trying to do some handsewing when I have time. It is relaxing, but I am finding I need a new eyeglass prescription, as I am having a bit of a time doing up close work, unless I remove my glasses. I also need better light where I am sitting, as Cam wants me to watch him on the Wii, which I can't do under my usual sewing lamp, so I am using a rather yellow regular light, which I might switch out for a daylight florescent if I can find one here, and if it will still fit with the lamp cover.... shall have to find out.

I also need to find thinner linen thread. I have an 80/3 (iirc) but it is acting a bit thick. I also have silk thread, and part of me is thinking of switching to silk instead of the linen. I also have cotton thread around here somewhere, that is brand new and the right colors. I just can't find the small bag that has them.

Well, kids are getting up from their naps, and I need to figure out what to do for dinner, and wash the dishes which were ready to go and I completely forgot to run them.

computer, linen, kirtle, books, venting, ebay, dressdiary, sewing, housework, thread, elizabethan

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