Another long day...

Jun 18, 2007 21:43

Kids are off to bed, even as they are fighting to stay awake. Cam made a mess in the bath, so he didn't get a full washdown, but I made sure he cleaned up his watery mess before sending him to bed.

I didn't get to clean off the bookshelf in the baby's room, but there's only a couple of rows left, and the spinning wheel to take down. I think we can get that done tomorrow before Roger leaves. If not, there's later in the week. The bookshelf in the master bedroom is ready to move.

I need some time to decompress a bit, so I am going to stall online before hitting the sewing room.

I found out through rwfranz that my daily aspirin dose can cause dehydration and other issues, even the small daily dose regimen I am under. I will have to get some good electrolyte drinks for the hot days when I have to work outside. I really don't like those pounding headaches, and generally nasty feelings I get when it is hot, and yeah, it gets hot around here. Also found out that just drinking lots of water can make it worse, which is probably why I had such bad issues the instinces I just drank lots of water. And yes, I do know about gatorade, I just usually don't carry it with me. Now it's a must have drink for me.

In other news, another book arrived in the mail. It is _Textiles and Clothing, c.1150-1450_, which is a bit before my usual time period, but it has info on hand sewing, and even fabric buttons, among other things. I've postponed long enough in getting this one.

And on eBay (with thanks to koshka_the_cat for a timely post), I won a whole 95 yards of linen/wool blend, in green, which I think will work nicely for some curtains and maybe couch covers I've been wanting to make up for some time. And I got it for about $1.12/yd after shipping. Oh, and I will also make some garb from it, I am sure. Although what I am thinking of will be dyed an emerald green. Although I might be able to dye it a dark blue, if I add a bit of the complement to yellow in the dye batch (yeah, whatever that color is off hand, purple? Maybe just some red?).

Just as I was about to end this post, my son came in and handed me his brand new book, that his father didn't get to read him yet. The spine is ruined, it was wet and came apart. I know I had put it on a stack of other books in his room that are still dry, and he says when he got the book it was dry, but he can't seem to tell me what happened to get the book wet. I told him he would have to explain to his father why that book, which I got for them for Father's Day, is now damaged. While I love books, I know kids don't do well in taking care of books until they are old enough to read and love books. While he loves having stories read to him... it will be some time before he treasures books like I do.

Well, off to take some meds, and do something else for awhile to decompress some more. I may even get lucky and actually get some decent sleep tonight, but I am not holding my breath on that.

linen, fabric, ebay, wool, housework, drapes, personal, book

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