I am tired

Apr 29, 2007 22:27

Very tired. I think I will be going to bed soon.

Long hot weekend at Tulare County Renaissance Faire. It hit a record breaking 97F on Saturday, with slightly lower temps today, but with more humidity.

I've been doing faires for a long time, and I've only gone down once before. I nearly went down today while wearing my full Elizabethan court garb. Yesterday, I kept going longer than I should making sure the Queen was looked after, and by sheer willpower kept going till I got home, then I collapsed onto my bed with the ceiling fan on. I was nauseated, and exhausted yesterday, with a pounding headache, yesterday and today. And yes, I was very well watered. I ate pickles, and nuts, and salty meats, even carb/starches, and still I had problems. I am sooo not used to doing this anymore.

I must make my next Elizabethans from something much more suitable to high heat, although what exactly I don't know, yet. Linen is a must for smocks, and even my partlets and sleeves I think. I've got ideas on making an embroidered set of partlet and sleeves, but my next Elizabethans will be in the 1590s style, with the French/wheel farthingale.

Why 1590s? Our lady who portrays QEI will be doing a revised version of the Ditchley gown of 1592, and would like her ladies to wear appropriate dress to match her style, instead of the much earlier styles we are currently wearing. So, I now have a plan for when I am thinner, and I think I will slowly work on various accessories that I can wear with the new gown that I can make while I am loosing the weight. When I can think again, I will list out the exact project list.

I also need to do a project list for my less formal Elizabethan surcoat and its items, that I can wear sooner, like for Costume College and our Baronial event in June. But must finish client garment first. And now, for some water, some meds, and then to bed.

renfaire, faire, costume, elizabethan, weather

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