Illuminating hunt

Apr 04, 2007 01:32

I've been perusing the net for illumination stuff... mostly how-tos for a newbie such as myself. I found a number which I have printed off, and saved to my del.icio site.

Here are some of interest I hadn't seen before:
The Göttingen Model Book. Here's the real surviving 15th c. book that tells you how to paint those twisting leaves and checkerboard circles. Also has period info on how to make certain paint colors. The first two pages describe things, then there's a link to the model book with translation. I can't wait to try these out on an illumination.

Then there's this little page that explains... What is the worth of a reproduction page or illuminated scroll? Holy Moses! And people in the SCA give these away for free? Our group spoke about at least getting some of our supplies paid for by the Barony, and I think that is small recompense considering how much a person should be paid for making such fine art.

Lessons for Beginner Scribes on How to Paint SCA Scrolls and Maiolica I pretty much printed out everything written on this site, which should be very helpful. Also linked to a few other sites that I also printed off. There was a few areas that the author could have taken more care to clarify, like how exactly to make those checkered diamonds that are filled in with color? Thankfully, that Göttingen Model Book should help me with period info.

I only wish our Kingdom's Scribal handbook had a bit more in it. It really could do with more info for assistance, although it kinda helps that there is a mailing list to turn to... sometimes. Just being up north from the majority of the guild centers makes it a bit rougher going on learning this, as I feel I am learning this on my own. But like I mentioned before, it is nice to have someone who knows what they are doing finally nearby.

A Very Proper Treatise: The Arte Of Limming
It's a modern English translation of a 1573 book on the very title, with info on all sorts of illumination paints, gold, etc. Hehee!
"A very proper treatise, wherein is briefly set forth the art of limning, which teaches the order in drawing and tracing of letters, vignettes [1], flowers, Arms, and imagery, and the manner how to make sundry sizes or grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver or gold shall be laid or limned upon the size, and the way to temper gold and silver and other metals and diverse kinds of colors to write or limn with upon vellum, parchment, or paper, and how to lay them upon the work which you intend to make, and how to burnish it when you have done, with divers other things very meet [2] and necessary to be known to gentlemen, and to all other such persons as do delight in limning, painting, or in tricking of arms in their right colors, and therefore a work very meet to be adjoined to the books of Arms, never put in print before this time.

Well, off to bed now, I think. Have enough on my mind to ponder.

links, illumination, sca

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