PC or Mac?

Apr 04, 2007 01:08

I have before me something to ponder...

My computer is dying. While still working, it is old, and has been upgraded a few times, but now I am faced with its certain demise, soonish. My monitor is also old, in computer terms, having lasted nearly a decade or more. It is twitching on me, putting in lines here and there, so soon it too will expire.

My ancient scanner has already given up some of its abilities. It once had a glass plate that held many sheets of papers and images, but that glass plate has fallen and it can't stay up, not even with duct tape. When I can keep the glass upright, I now have extra lines where I once had mere pixels. It is time to retire it. I know what I want to replace it with, one that uses USB2 or Firewire, not the SCSI my very old reliable scanner has wonderfully used for more than a decade (since the mid 90s this one).

So, it is time to upgrade all of my equipment, which my loving husband is willing to do for my birthday. The question before me is... do I continue with my usual PC styles, or do I go for the Mac? Why change to a Mac after low these many years? Vista, that is why. I have enjoyed Win2k Pro since I got it for free (while working as a computer salesperson). I resisted the need to "upgrade" to WinXP, as it had problems, and W2kP is stable. Now Vista beckons forth, and I am not sure I really care for its "security", which I highly doubt.

Macs have fewer problems, and they are easy to use, but they are more expensive than the many PC clones. While I can pick & chose my next PC, I can only do so with a Mac desktop. I am thinking of going completely to a laptop, and Macs do not allow custom features. PCs do, but they come with Vista.

Then there is the issue of having a laptop vs desktop models. Laptops means being portable, which to me means being in the living room instead of my sewing room, where I will have the scanner and printer. Desktop means nicer monitor as well, although I can connect a laptop to a monitor and get dual monitors, nice when working with Photoshop. ... which reminds me that my software is old, so I don't know if it will run under Vista or Mac because they are old. I may have to upgrade software as well.

So much to think about, it's making my head spin. So, I've been doing other things...

computer, hardware, software

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