Scriptorium & other SCA ideas.

Mar 31, 2007 18:25

Just came back from our barony's latest Scriptorium, this time in Lemoore. Wonderful fun, good food, great people, and lots of energy and even some gossip about Kingdom level things I had only barely understood before.

Hopefully, we can keep this energy going, and get a real guild thing going here. If nothing else, we now have an experienced scribe that has done previous Kingdom level work, although she would prefer to be a full apprentice to a Master that she trained under for awhile. Still, more than most of us know about things, especially me the complete noob.

And we have ideas for future events, both TC and Baronial Anniversary. Which on the drive home reminded me that I seriously need to get some personal stuff going for BA's A&S competition, not to mention to take with me to other larger A&S events in the Kingdom. I want to make a hat of some sort (probably the English gable or the tall hat), at least one embroidered sample in blackwork, and one illumination, once I've finished my latest promissory.

And I need to get that Phoenix chart done asap, so I can make something with that as well to give the Baron and Baroness at BA.

And I have to say, it was nice not having to drive today, and thankfully, while my nose was stuffy, my throat still rough, and my cough annoying, it was nice to be out of the house for a short while. If only my nose would stop leaking a bit, maybe then it wouldn't make its way to my chest and continue that coughing fit.

embroidery, scribe, illumination, hats, sca

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