Weekly health update, and my weekend.

Mar 19, 2007 12:21

Today's weight: 214 (16 pds in one month, not bad at all! My highest weight was 267, before I had Cam, so I've actually now lost 53 pds from that highest point; scary!)
Today's waist size: 37.25"
Today's mood: better than before, but a bit down and tired taking care of both kids while Rob's at Brainshare this week.

Thankfully, docryder (aka Oji) was very helpful yesterday with both of them. We went out to breakfast at IHOPs, where they now have low carb meals and meal substitutes, like whole grain & nut pancakes that are yummy. I also had enough on my plate to take home and have two more breakfast meals. Then we went to the FCC Ren Faire yesterday, instead of my going back into the FFG workshop that would have required me to lug all my sewing stuff, to work on clothing I can't work on until I lose my excess fat.

Ok, back up to Saturday. I did go on Saturday to the FFG meeting and workshop, and learned some things from the excellent teacher, Diane Erickson (from Santa Rosa, btw). She gave me some ideas on how to get idea boards going from whatever images strike the fancy, and working on partial fabric things that later become an actual object to wear or use. But the workshop was designed to help the women fit their patterns (know that, just have a hard time on myself and she had no ideas to help that), and then play creatively with the fabrics they brought to use on the pattern they wanted to work on... so it was basically a great creative sewing exercise that if I wasn't in limbo on making personal clothing I really could have enjoyed. But I am in limbo, and even one of her ideas of doing partial fronts wouldn't work for me, as I don't know where my bustline will be when I am done, so I can't cut out my princess fronts accurately. So, frustrated, I decided not to go back on Sunday.

Rob left for Brainshare in Utah early Sunday morning. Oji stayed the night to help with the kids as my first plan was to go back to the FFG workshop for the day. So we went to FCC faire instead. Nice little faire, but a bit sparse compared to previous years I have attended (which didn't include last year for other reasons). The college moved in new portable classrooms into the area which limited the actors camps a bit, but there was still plenty of space around in the open grass area near the main stage. Many vendors did get their shade, but that open area was a bit too open it seemed. And some vendors on the west side ended up not getting much in the way of traffic at all, including the wooden weapons booth that needs a sign on its side so people would know its a weapon's booth, and not another portable classroom.

My kids enjoyed the day, as Cam was entertained by various performers, including a juggler, a street puppeteer with his raven, and a harper. I also bought maracas for both the kids. I enjoyed chatting with various friends and taking various photos of the faire and the kids, although I could have taken more.

We then went home and napped, I did a little sewing, we had dinner, took Oji home, gave the kids a bath, then to bed, then calmed Maurelle's crying jags, then finally collapsed in front of the TV for a few hours of Lost sometime after 10pm. Yeah, I am tired. I will be tired all week.

renfaire, waistline, south beach diet, ffg, weight loss, "project: improving me!", sewing, tv, food, personal

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