Weight loss

Mar 16, 2007 11:40

I went in and weighed myself this morning, and the water weight gain has dropped. I now weigh 216! That's 3 pds since Monday, so I know it has to be the water weight I had gained. I think this also means I will be starting soon {blah}.

Something I do have to say about this diet...  it is nice being on a "diet" where I am not hungry, I eat regular meals, even snacks & dessert, and eating better than I've ever done before. And I have found that even Diet Mountain Dew is quite enjoyable, and 0 calories! It really is a matter of eating healthier choices than I spent my lifetime trying to avoid.

Now if I can get more walking into my life, I will be set for life. Which really, this has to be a lifestyle change, not just something to drop a few pounds to get into a bikini (that's not likely to ever happen for me).

south beach diet, "project: improving me!", weight loss, health

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