Food shopping epiphany.

Mar 10, 2007 15:40

We just went shopping in Winco, next to our Costco. And I had an epiphany right now about that store.

If all they carried was the good, healthy non-pre-processed no-high-fructose-corn-syrup-added foods, they would only have to have a store about a third of its size or less, like old Mom & Pop stores do (what few that remain). But looking around for the good foods we bought, we bypassed so much pre-processed crap foods that took up whole aisles, but at very cheap prices!!

And then there was the diet foods section across from the processed cereal aisle. And amazingly, they didn't have low-fat cheeses, not a one. But they carried bulk wheat flours and bulk rices that our other local stores don't, unless we travel several miles farther to our local Whole Foods store.

I think I am going to stick to our local stores for most of our foods, except for those bulk grains stuff. At least they carry the low-fat cheeses.


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