Diet notes.

Feb 25, 2007 20:05

Another diet note, I am finding that my stomach is not up to eating a whole lot anymore. I just finished dinner of left-over stir fry vegies, salad, and a hunk of steak with pepper marinade. I only ate about a third of the steak hunk, and all the vegies, and I am stuffed!

My dinners in fact for the past few days have been rather light, and last night, I was so NOT hungry when I sat down with everyone for dinner, that I ended up eating a few bites, and then reheating it a few hours later when I finally realized I WAS hungry.

I must remember that if I am going to treat on a carb thing, such as cookies, to do so after eating a meal, and no later than the afternoon, so I can burn it off.

And for those interested in the shopping sites and recipe places my husband found, here they are: - online store for lowcarb, atkins, and other nutritional/dietary/fitness foodstuffs - recipes and other stuff - message board and recipes

Tomorrow morning, must weigh self, and measure waist. I think that is all for now. About time to get kids ready for bed.

south beach diet, "project: improving me!", health, recipes, food

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