A small thought from this small woman {snicker}

Feb 21, 2007 23:47

It was something I came up with while talking to my husband about our food choices now, and the cost of eating that way. I know it can get expensive buying fresh produce and low fat healthy stuff, but my thought is... we either buy the foods now and eat healthy, or we will end up paying for it later with high medical bills. As one who had to deal with my Mom's medical bills, not to mention the costs of my own bad health over the years... I'd rather eat better now. And I will find ways to buy my fresh produce less expensively, if not outright grow it myself.

So, as Kaiser Permanente says on their commercials... Live Long and Thrive! (which the trekker in me wants to respond Prosper! every time I hear that commercial.)

health, food

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