Update on my health (it's good!)

Feb 18, 2007 11:00

Ok, for all the hunger I have after lunch, at least breakfast is filling and very yummy. I love eggs and ham all scrambled together. Now adding in mushrooms, green bell pepper, onions (love grilled onions), spinach, and cheese, and I have a happy tummy. Also a good cup of chocolate coffee toddy is wonderful on top. I am getting used to Splenda as a sweetener.

And then the kicker this morning... before I made my breakfast, I went in a weighed myself. Mind you, I am halfway through my period, so I figured I would be holding onto the water until the period was done. Well, either way, upon stepping on that scale...

I am at 221!! A loss in one week (minus one day actually) of 9 whole pounds!!!!!!! I am stunned. I figured I would lose 8 pds during the whole two weeks I am on Phase 1, and I lost that within the first week. I do not expect such a high figure next week, as I know much of this week's number is probably water loss from the period retention and the diet, which is expected. But this was amazing to me. I can see why some people try to stretch the weight loss even longer by staying on Phase 1 for more than 2 weeks. Considering how I am feeling ... I doubt it will be more than another week before I switch to Phase 2 and 1 or 2 pds of weight loss a week at that point.

As to my belly measurement, I went from 40", to 38.5"!! (Both measurements were taken with me sucking in my gut, like Dr. Oz suggested. We aren't measuring the normal waist, but the amount of fat in the waist, ) This is a better indicator of my health, as the doctors prefer a woman to have a waist measurement under 35" to lower heart disease.

As to how many steps a day I am taking... I still haven't hit the 10,000 steps mark, but I've been over 6,000 steps much of this week, with over 7,000 steps a few times (usually when I get out of the house for some errand). I will be adding more walking into my schedule as I can (like this afternoon unless it starts to rain). And when I shift into Phase 2, even weight lifting small dumb bells for strength training/increasing muscle mass to burn more calories. Just little shifts at a time.

I think what is also helping is I am not drinking a can or two of full suger soda every day. That alone drops calories. And diet DP, which is the only diet soda I can tolerate the taste of... is ok. I think tea, coffee, and lots of water will be more than fine, with an occasional diet soda when I am out or gaming.

And I tried the chocolate dessert thing last night, substituting yogurt for the ricotta cheese... it was ... different. Had a lemony flavor going on from I don't know what, and very little chocolate flavor. I think I will stay with the sugar free jello for dessert, until I get to Phase 2.

And again, it was hard to game without the usual munchies, especially as my friends were enjoying what little candy we have in the house (Cam's who won't miss it much). But now that I've weighed myself... it was worth bypassing the sweets. I did allow myself one slice of apple (boy was that sweet!) and the "chocolate" dessert with a diet DP over the course of the night, so I was ok.

south beach diet, "project: improving me!", weight loss, health, walking, waistline

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