
Feb 17, 2007 15:12

...was not enough. It was a good salad with tuna, hardboiled eggs, green stuff & cheese, but my stomach is not happy. It is not full, and I don't know what will make it happy, other than carbs I am not allowed to eat yet. I will have my snack by midafternoon, as I don't think this food in my tummy will last long.

And I am tired a lot. I cleaned up my kitchen a bit, and my body was winded and tired. This was before lunch, so I have more energy now to do more cleaning... I am just stalling until the kids are both napping, so I can do the vacuuming without interference (actually, I am hearing my wonderful husband doing the vacuuming right now). At least the toys in the living room is picked up.

The only thing right now keeping me going on this diet is my husband being on this diet with me. He made my salad today even. I've otherwise been watching my other friends eating fried foods and cookies in front of me, and while they are not on this diet, it's been difficult as I want those very things as well. Even making foods for the kids who are not on this diet is hard. We went out last night to Sizzlers, and while salad with a side of mini-steak was good, watching rwfranz eat fried onion rings, and Cam eat chocolate ice cream ... well, I had to stop looking in their direction lest I run and get some myself. I also had to stay away from the snack area at this morning's FFG meeting, while everyone else was digging into the good (bad) cookies and other yummies. At least Carla brought some cucumber/tomatoe/herb/sauce appetizer thingy that was tasty, if a bit spicy. And I brought my nuts to munch on as well.

A little more than a week left to go for Phase 1. I can make it, with God's help, and the support of my husband. I will make it to Phase 2. And I am looking for alternate recipes for certain dessert dishes, not to mention eventually making good carb cookies to enjoy as a once in awhile treat.

Well, back to cleaning up the place for tonight's game.

south beach diet, ffg, "project: improving me!", health

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