Today was a quiet day.

Nov 26, 2006 23:42

I had first shift with the kids in the morning, while c0demonkey slept in. I then napped near noon for a couple of hours. I found Rob and Cam outside in the cold putting together some of the new Christmas lawn decorations, so those went up nicely. Rob got stuck when trying to put up the roof lights, as some are not lighting properly (have to hunt down the missing bulbs, or buy new sets), and we need another outdoor extension cord. I got some garlands put up and the door wreath.

Dinner was chinese leftovers. Yummy.

I've been working in here since dinner, revamping the writeup I've been sitting on. I took it less as the organization of the images (boring!), and more towards its title of the steps one would take to make a garment look like it comes from a painting or woodcut. I think I am done, but would love for some feedback from anyone interested in reading it and providing constructive critique. Just let me know, and I will e-mail a copy, provided you will keep the writing to yourself. I will of course sleep on what I've written so far, and see if anything else pops out at me to change.

I was supposed to work on drapes this weekend, and that just didn't happen, since we had friends over and other things to do. I did get some supplies for it, but I am currently stumped on getting the instructions printed out, as again my computer balks at printing the stuff (I hates adobe pdf reader 7.whatever). I thought I could open it in Photoshop and print each page, but it will only let me access the photos only. So, I've got it on a usb key, and may have my husband print it out.

I may hold off on the drapes then in order to finish up the Tudor gown and sleeves for both, and maybe a partlet. I have Yule coming up, and I really don't want to go in my standby kirtle with the surcoat, which needs sleeves anyways.

I am going to download adobe reader 6.01, update to version .02, and see if that solves my problem of not printing those %&^# files.

I've got an itching to buy fabric, or books, or something. I really don't need any fabrics right now, and books I've got, and need to read the ones I have. I also have books from the library, and it isn't any specific book I really want right now. It must be the holidays or something. I am not looking forward to shopping in the area stores, as I really dislike crowds. But not everything is easy to buy online... some things just have to be bought in person.

And I am tired, still. Staring at this screen isn't helping me any. But I am still waiting for the download to finish ... only 50% done!

software, fabric, writing, tudor kirtle, books, article, tudor gown, drapes, christmas

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