In Memoriam

Nov 02, 2006 22:03

I went to the Tudor Rose meeting, and I have some issues with the direction, or more like lack thereof, going on in the group.

But that isn't why I am writing. I have lost another friend.

Pam Goodrich died sometime last week, from a relapse of cancer. She was a long time member of The Jolly Tradesmen, The Tudor Rose, and was Helen Jane's roommate.

If my cheesy memory remembers right, it was breast cancer. She had fought it for some time, I think two years or more, although I don't really know when she found out, as I had barely returned to ren-faire when I had heard she was in chemotherapy. I know we were in a class with John Marshall together a few years ago, and I've been carrying around this bag of freeze dried indigo trying to get it to her. I will be donating the amount it cost her, as she had prepaid for it, along with additional funds to the American Cancer Society as Lurleen had said was in the obituary for her; I couldn't find it to post. Lurleen hasn't talked to Helen Jane yet, and I am not sure what to say, but I will contact Helen Jane to talk.

Pam was a good woman, a lively woman who enjoyed singing and making meads of various types, and I will deeply miss her. I had hoped to see her at Hanford, which was her last event she attended, but I was busy with court duties. I will regret that.

Rest in Peace Pam. I am sure you will be joining the heavenly choir... singing with my Mom.


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