Weekend personal news.

Nov 05, 2006 19:46

Saturday morning was up bright and early with the kids (grrr, not a morning person). I let c0demonkey sleep in a bit, as he had been sick Thursday night with the heaves, and had been tired all of Friday at work.

Late Saturday morning I picked up rwfranz and webt to a board meeting for the FFG. I like how well the board meeting went. They know where they are going, and they know how to do what needs to be done. Sometimes they get sidetracked, or wallow a little in the minutia, but overall they accomplish their stated goals, and that's a wonderful thing to be a part of.

Next door to the library where the meeting was held was the Friends of the Library bookstore. I found four books of interest. One was a book written by a FFG member, Jean Ray Laury, a famed quilter who has been a pioneer in art quilts. The small book was The Creative Woman's Getting-It-All- Together-At-Home Handbook. It had been recommended by FFG members for anyone facing the dulldrums about their art. Very inspirational. I also found a picture book on Elizabeth I, and two art books ripe for scanning, or at least using as source material. A rather nice haul for just a few bucks.

Then it was over to docryder's place to pick him up and head to Sonic for lunch. Never ate at the Clovis Sonic, which has a drive up area, and car hops come out and bring your order. Good food, and something I may eat at more often. We then made a few stops for things, then headed back to doc's place to help pack books. We got two bookshelves mostly cleared before we ran out of tape. I then dropped them at Roger's place so they could go to another store. I went home for a nap, as I only had 3.5 hours, maybe, of sleep the night before (too much chocolate/caffeine late at night).

Last night was gaming with friends, but near the end it was also a worry session as my little girl got the heaves, badly.

We ended up cleaning up her bedsheets and pjs three times before we decided to keep her up until she was done puking. I couldn't keep my mind in the game, so we ended early. The game was pretty good until then. Not sure if she had the stomach flu like her dad did some time ago, or just bad baby food. She didn't want to eat her original dinner, so I gave her something else. But it all came back up. I did toss the food so hopefully if that was it, it won't be a problem again.

Daddy stayed up with the baby until she could fall asleep. One or two more heaves later, she finally did. I finally was able to fall asleep sometime after c0demonkey crawled into bed, which put that really late into the night, or more like early morning. I slept in this morning, as c0demonkey had first shift. Then I dealt with getting the FFG mailing list going with invites for members, and have been online doing stuff on and off since. The baby managed to eat some food at dinner, with watered juice and cheerios the only other food for her tummy, along with some light cereal earlier. She's holding things down ok, so I think the worst is over.

Today then has just been a day of recovery. I haven't sewn anything today, and only finished the hand eyelets yesterday. I may do some sewing tonight, but it just depends on my mood. I did read Jean's book yesterday (it was rather short), and it reminded me to do some recording of my fabrics and other things in a journal. I use a computer program for tools, and a card system for fabric swatches, so I did some entries into that of recent purchases. I really do need to do more entry of my tools, notions, patterns and stuff soon, but it will have to wait in full until after my Tudor project is done. I do have to say that getting the Brother P-Touch labeler has been really handy in marking stuff.

I should put in what my projects have cost me, at least in materials. I haven't been tracking my time this time since I knew it was more of experimenting than just sewing.

Now I am tired, and I am not sure why. I've just had dinner, and yet, I am feeling blah, and it isn't from overeating, as I ate "enough" and Rob ate the rest of my salmon. Maybe I should go lay down for a bit.

ffg, maurelle, tudor garment, sewing, books, personal

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