A day for Illumination.

Aug 20, 2006 18:51

I am tired, I really am. Been up since 7am with very little sleep last night having gone to bed late because of tummy issues.

Went around 11am today to a baronial scribal gathering of three, including rwfranz. Was expecting a few more, but three is better than two, which has been common with Roger and I. It would have been even nicer had those who expressed a desire to go actually did. Then we would have had three more people, and that would have been crowded, but nice.

I started and nearly finished a promissory for Legionnaires of Courtesy, since I had read on the caidscribes list that there were more than enough Award of Arms promissorys already in hand. I loved working with gouache, using just water to keep things flowing, even if dry. I loved the coverage, similar to acrylics. I hated getting a couple of smudges on the background, but that covered ok with white paint. It was nice being able to just paint and go with it for a few hours, with no kids in the background. I had it nearly completed when I left and finished it at home. The only issue was that after I did the roses in shades of red, I was told by our one experienced scribe that those awards are done in yellow, because the recipients get a yellow rose. But it looks so nice in red! Ah well, it was my first project, and if the Scribes won't take it because of its color, then I will trim out the center and use it to frame a personal photo.

And I like my setup for stuff, although I am going to have to adjust how I carry it all. As in I should only carry what I am going to actually do, and not all of it at once. I also need to find a place in my sewing room to house it all... which I don't have a place yet for it all, including the easle. Well, I will figure it out.
(EDIT: I cleared out a spot between my bed and the closet, and the bags fit in just fine right there with everything contained. I may go get a larger container to hold it all so it doesn't get dusty in between uses.)

Well, back to the housekeeping, and getting off this computer. My right arm is sore from the painting, and this mouse is only making things worse. I think I will be away for awhile to let it heal a bit.

scribe, illumination, sca

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