Fabrics coming in.

Jun 05, 2006 15:49

My bolt of linen arrived as one big roll, yippee!! Now to get the dyes and such for it.

Oh, forgot to mention the hemp canvas arrived on Friday as well. It only cost $12/yd plus s/h/tax, which was cheaper than the linen canvas I checked on at $18/yd +s/h. Nice stuff, thick enough for support, but not stiff like cotton canvas is with the sizing intact. I don't want the sizing, but I want it firm enough to flatline the front of the kirtle silk even after washing the canvas. Yes, I plan on being able to wash these outfits, even if it isn't all the time. Thankfully, the two taffetas samples held up fine after washing and scrunching, and they didn't have the really harsh chemical smell the white taffeta did. They also did fine under the iron. If only I could get the nice iron before I start this project, but that will have to wait just a bit longer.

tudor garment, fabric

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