One busy day (on fabrics and Mom's home)

Jun 30, 2005 19:46

Wow! One WW book already sold, at a buy it now price that was asked for by someone else than who bought it. Ah well, sorry that other guy missed out, but someone will be enjoying the game book and we get paid either way.

Today was a busy day... yesterday the 28.5 pound big bag of fabric arrived from Oh, my, what lovely linen was inside that bag. Most of it was for rwfranz, but I got some of the linen as well.

The Italian twill linen is just perfect. It is strong (it wouldn't tear when we cut it) and drapes just wonderfully. It looks like a nice cotton twill... but it's LINEN!! I plan on a pair of nice pants (to go with the silk crepe de chine that should get here any day I hope), and the rest will be made into a Spanish farthingale a la Alcega. I may try to dye the linen, although I know that won't get nearly as dark as the silk I plan on using with it... but we can only try.

The handkerchief weight linen is also delightful. I can't wait to make an Elizabethan smock using this nicer, lighter weight linen. I hope that will help keep me more comfortable during the summer faires. I should then have enough to make up the small smocks for the baby and Cam.

And the gold silk/metallic organza is just beautiful. Now I want more than the one yard I bought, but that's all I need for the hats. I wouldn't know what else to make right now... unless it was lovely drapes or something... that the cats and kids would just ruin. So I will enjoy it with the hats.

After splitting up the booty, rwfranz helped me deal with my Mom's things until he had to leave around 2pm. Dealing with the house stuff was a bit hard on me emotionally, and I came home very drained around 5pm.

I found my parent's divorce proceedings in which I learned that my Dad did not hold his end of the divorce contract he wrote up and they both signed. And according to said divorce contract, I am responsible for holding up my Mom's end (not to mention dealing with my Dad's end)... so I have to have a long talk with Dad on how we can deal with his issues, and not lose out on what he rightfully owed both my Mom and me. I do not look forward to that discussion but it has to be done.

Meanwhile, as my Mom's stated Executor (which has yet to be approved by the courts) I cannot give Dad his requests yet, because until probate is approved on August 2nd, and I am legally named Executor of Mom's Will, I cannot do anything to any of her things, except to remove the loads of trash she collected since they hold no value.

Boy, she really was a packrat. I found boxes that held empty boxes and nothing more.. or boxes with empty bags, or very old receipts interspersed with major financial papers, all stuffed into another bag. I cannot throw anything away without double checking to make sure there isn't something important stuffed inside with the paper napkins.

She also loved photos, and I found a photo album that has pics of Sean when he was 4 or 5 climbing on board some trains locally, with Mom and Gerry as well. That was when I lost it and just cried and cried...

I managed to deal with her things, water the plants inside and out, moved some plants here to keep them alive (they so need more water than I can do there), picked up her mail, and then called it a day. The deep water soaks seem to be helping, as the grass is returning to a green color. There are even a few new flowers here and there which is a good sign. I really need to get a gardner to do their magic to the place, but I can't do that for awhile. So much to do still... so much it's almost overwhelming. I just remind myself... one little bit at a time.

Well, gotta go... it's cool enough we can eat dinner now. It's so hard to eat when the weather turns 101 overnight (it was in the low 90s yesterday, I think or was it high 80s... either way, today is just damned HOT!).

mom, linen, sean, silk, fabric, dad, probate

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