pink me up. .

May 30, 2005 18:48

i twisted my ankle  =(

new layout  =)

Lookin forward to a stress-free week: half-term break! Yaye! However, come to think of it, I do ave to finish off my stats c/w for mr.'Shrimp' for first day back. AH!. Oh well. . .

I like these half-term breaks, they're real breathers. Makes you realize how much dust and dead insects 'ave hybernated under your bed =X .hahah. ( ok, deh dead insect thing was a bit OTT ) AND, each hour off school is an hour banked into my " undeprive yourself of sleep " thing. I'm working on it! =P

Last nyte i had a dream. A very very very very sweet dream. And it had me wake up this morning thinking; 'Maybe dreams could come true'..hmmm..Just maybe.

ryte? * sigh *

We'll just ave to see. God Has His Perfect Plan =)

i missed the LAST ever SChool Sports of my high School life!! ='( Waahh.---- but i'd like to give a big bear hug nd slopy kiss to my nisha, my jai nd my lissie. Thanks for the text/thoughts guys <333 ifeltdehlove!
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