you push me. . .

May 26, 2005 00:49

As the famous saying goes; 'good things come to those who wait'. Sooo, does that mean that once you get that uncertain 'good thing', that you've been guessing will come, then you stop waiting? huh? hmmmm. . .
 Star Wars Revenge of the Sith came out last weekend. yippEe! Lisa was so nice to invite me to watch the highly anticipated movie on the opening night! thanks lisseeeyyyy...*muah* nd hah! the movie was SUPERB! it was evrything we xpected, but evn BETTER! hahah. Lisa got to see her Anakin... and me? meet my Yoda, i got to. Muwahahahahahah!! ; ) his greeness makes me giddy !hehehe! then we went to the after party in Naboo, where i got to meet gen. . .ahhhh. *wink* insight jokes, i love! We bought a bucket of ice cream to scarf for the movie, but never got around to even taking it out of the bag = the movie was that GOOD!!

And after being completely 'touched by the force' that night, i got to watch the movie AGAIN, this time with the family, on sunday =)

Oh yes, on saturday, we ate at 'Taro'. It's this Japanese restaurant in London, that my tito works in.. sushi, teryaki, sashimi. I aven't eaten sushi in a long time, so my taste buds had to eekily adjust to having 'raw fish' swoosh around and gradually dissolve in my mouth! hehe.. =X oh dear. Nevertheless, it was a scrumcious meal! And i got to stroll around Oxford Circus and Picadilly Circus =)  deh gurls and i are yet to paint that town Pink! he..she beckons ! haha i <3 london

I'm sorry the pics aren't of good quality, but just wanted to share a short but sweet xperience =)

AChkk! this stinkin cough!! it buggs!! ugh!! i swear there's a lil parasite gnawing and clawing it's nails inside my throat! and it's sounds like I have 'smokers cough'..Ewwwyyy!!!

=) enyway! . .`ave a pleasant dai, and soak up evry breath of gudness that life has for you!!

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