booze, brains, brixton

May 17, 2005 22:12

All is dandy dandy =P

OMG! my oh my it was Charli's party last saturdai:: didn't go, and thankful i didn't [ booze, drugs, all way pulls =X, trashing, apparent ecstasy, spiking, fagging, etcetra. ] What else can i say? generation!! =) It wud 'ave been funi though, if our cru went. .we'd be dragging nd slappin all them hammered fwends of ours. Social sucide, ryan said.. But evryone's intact and still breathing, and luky Charli's parents are really cud 'ave been WORSE! hApy B-Day my butthead <33

On tuesday, my veggie had to go home cause the vision on her left eye was slowly blurring. I was real worried when i was told she was sent to hospital for a brain scan. She didn't come to school for 3 days and I felt incomplete ; (  waahh.. But guess who came running this morning and gave me deh tightest hug in all deh world?..yes, yes - MY VEGGIE!!! =P

I've found a new pig-out food-- BEN & JERRY'S, PHISH FOOD! yumm-eee try it!

Well,  loving_salmon got her pixs developed from our geo trip and I must say, memories made their way back.

these are the brixton MaSSiVE bois! [hahah ahh] there was a mulittude of them! but they were the nicest dudes who made our trip a right laugh. One of em had a bit too much to drink though [substance abuse! =O lisseeyyy] .. can you tell which one? *aye*  huh? ehh? hihih

I'm feeling real weak with the constant flipping of weather at the moment.

Also, my bro called me anorexic the oderh dai! HEH! so what?! I called him obese! haha..-evil, i know-
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