So here we are again. 20 more hours left till school grabs my hair and drowns me in it's slimey pool of unpleasant deadlines, c/ws and EXAms. =P Nyce!! haha. But to tell yah the truth, i found myself missing school foh a few slyte seconds during this break. And in much searching and comparing of 2 certain things, i found that it was simply b'cus of SCHOOL-LIFE not SCHOOL-WORK! yah see??
Anyway, enuf of that. School is close to taking up half my life as it is already. . soo, a gud break it was.
On friday, we went to Kent for the Bible Study!! There was about 11 of us from the church and about 15 from Kent so it was like a freakin Barrio Fiesta!! =) Ang daming pag kaen + masarap pah. hahah. We played a few games too. 7up & Concentration. That went on foh fun fun fun hours. Then we went outside and made as much noise to wake the whole street up, whilst taking pics of our byutiful nyte!!
Ukii yah, i shall hush up nah & let all the fotos do the talking!!
I'm smiling!..hahah
This week was good foh other reasons. More personal stuff i suppose.a soul needs drastic reviving once in a while.
But all i can say is ---- THANK YOU & I LOVE YOU JESUS <><